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Freelance in the world of sound, I offer my services of sound engineer, with a simple way to charge and with soft prices.


If your project is to record a demo or a complete album with your band, if you are searching for a sound guy to come along on your concerts, or if you are just looking for a video soundtrack to be mixed, you are in the right place.


With my different skills, I can follow you on a project since its begining, or just be a part of it.


My mobile home studio allows me to record your tracks in the place you choose (if there is a good acoustic of course) and finish the mixing job at home.


Then it is easy for me to send to you the many steps of the work in progress.


I also am looking (why not) for a during job, in a studio or a concert hall.

Romain Onimus Sound Engineer Freelance
Music : recording, mix, mastering , musical arrangement...
Audiovisual postproduction, sound design, editing, mix...

Romain Onimus, freelance Sound Engineer

Sound engineer, Paris

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